====== Ashravena Community ====== The Ashravena are a seemingly granite race with whom the Federation has had limited contact. ===== Name ===== Proper Name: Ashravena Pronunciation: ah'shrah'ven'ah ===== Home System ===== Quadrant: Alpha Location: JFS-47 stellar nursery Proper Name: Ashraven Pronunciation: ah'shrah'ven Star: Class M (Red) star Distance from Star: Orbit is approximately 352 million km Companions: 6 other planets. It is the 4th planet in the system ===== Home World ===== Proper Name: Ashrav IV Pronunciation: Ah'shrah'v three Diameter: 11,109 km (6,943 miles) Gravity: 0.99 standard gravity with a density of 6.2 Axial Tilt: 25% with earth like seasons Orbital Period: 524 days Rotational Period: 32 hours Classification: M Surface Water: 55% Atmosphere: 1.09 is a standard pressure with 77% nitrogen, 22% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals Climate: Forested with earth like temperatures. Population: ===== History ===== ===== Government ===== ===== Description ===== ===== Physiology ===== ===== Psychology ===== ===== Religion ===== ===== Mythology ===== ===== Society ===== ===== Culture ===== ===== Customs ===== ===== Technology ===== ===== Economy ===== ===== Military ===== ===== Found on These Simulations ===== * [[https://hera.split-world.com/index.php/personnel/character/88|USS Hera]] - Ahreva Malana serves as Science Officer {{tag>[Races]}}