====== FOB Anchorage ======
//The Last Rock////Forward Operating Base Anchorage// is an outpost on a rock in the Delta Quadrant. The simulation is a member of [[http://www.bravofleet.com/|Bravo Fleet]] as well as the Split World Alliance. //FOB Anchorage// is an unusual simulation, as its a cave on a desert rock. The FOB is seemingly crewed with mostly inexperienced ensigns and lieutenants, all of whom have no idea just what's in store for them as they continue the //FOB Anchorage//'s mission. ===== Current Crew Openings ===== As //FOB Anchorage// has multiple openings, we suggest looking through the simulation's [[http://katana.split-world.com/index.php/personnel/index|manifest]]. ===== Current Mission ===== [[http://anchorage.split-world.com/index.php/sim/missions/id/1|Mission Name]] - Mission summary not available at this time ===== Completed Missions ===== ===== Simulation Link===== * [[http://anchorage.split-world.com/]] {{tag>[Members]}}