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wiki:races:alvariin [2016/06/22 18:48] azmariadeiwiki:races:alvariin [2016/10/16 18:57] (current) – [Physiology] azmariadei
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 ===== Physiology ===== ===== Physiology =====
-Very similar to most humanoid races, they seem to have a passing genetic compatibility with both Bolians and Orions. Males typically live 150+ years while females tend to live closer to 300 years - the reason for this is unknown but has led to a somewhat heavy leaning on matriarchal leanings towards leaders. ‘Smiling’ as other races do is very difficult for them, not having the facial muscles for it. Instead, they express emotion by the waving of their antenna, which can be a bit difficult for outsiders to read at times. Also, their version of laughter is a sort of gurgling sound in their throats. Most Alvariin will try eating anything at least once if it’ll fit in their mouths - their gastrointestinal system may not enjoy it and cause them some distress, but even less dense rocks can eventually be digested, given enough time. Children have even been known to bite themselves or one another to both see if appendages will fit in their mouth and to see what it tastes like.+Very similar to most humanoid races, they seem to have a passing genetic compatibility with both Bolians and Orions. Males typically live 150+ years while females tend to live closer to 300 years - the reason for this is unknown but has led to a somewhat heavy leaning on matriarchal leanings towards leaders. ‘Smiling’ as other races do is very difficult for them, not having the facial muscles for it. Instead, they express emotion by the waving of their antenna, which can be a bit difficult for outsiders to read at times. Also, their version of laughter is a sort of gurgling sound in their throats. Most Alvariin will try eating anything at least once if it’ll fit in their mouths - their gastrointestinal system may not enjoy it and cause them some distress, but even less dense rocks can eventually be digested, given enough time. Children have even been known to bite themselves or one another to both see if appendages will fit in their mouth and to see what it tastes like. On top of this, most Alvariin will go through two sets of puberty. The first one at around 15-20 years of age, to bring maturity to the body. The second one is more for mating and will hit the females at around 75-100 years of age, depending upon their own environmental conditions and genetics. The males go through their second puberty much faster as they live shorter lives, normally reaching full potency at around 40 years old and slowly tapering off from that point on.
 ===== Psychology ===== ===== Psychology =====
wiki/races/alvariin.1466621306.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/22 18:48 by azmariadei